Category Archives: Medicine

The shocking truth about your health: Lissa Rankin

Lissa Rankin, MD is an OB/GYN physician, author, keynote speaker, consultant to health care visionaries, professional artist, and founder of the women’s health and wellness community Discouraged by the broken, patriarchal health care system, she left her medical practice in 2007 only to realize that you can quit your job, but you can’t quit your calling. This epiphany launched her on a journey of discovery that led her to become a leader in the field of mind/body medicine, which she blogs about at and is writing about in her third book Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof You Can Heal Yourself (Hay House, 2013).

She teaches both patients and health care professionals how to make the body ripe for miracles by healing the mind and being healthy in all aspects of life, not just by promoting healthy behaviors like good nutrition, exercise, and adequate sleep, but by encouraging health and authenticity in relationships, work, creative expression, spirituality, sexuality, finances, and living environment. She is leading a revolution to feminize how health care is received and delivered by encouraging collaboration, fostering self-healing, reconnecting health care and spirituality, empowering patients to tap into the mind’s power to heal the body, and encouraging women not to settle for being merely well, but to strive for living vital, joyful, authentic lives full of “mojo.”

When not spreading the word, she chills out, paints, does yoga, and hikes in Marin County, CA with her husband and daughter.

via The shocking truth about your health: Lissa Rankin at TEDxFiDiWomen – YouTube.

Why Cannabis Is the Future of Medicine

food . salad . greensThe future of medicine rests on the the fundamental right we all have to use things that spring from the Earth naturally as healing agents. Why should cannabis, used for at least 10000 years by humankind to alleviate suffering, be excluded from this inexorable mandate?

The politics of cannabis are exceedingly complex, and yet the truth is simple: this freely growing plant heals the human body – not to mention provides food, fuel, clothing and shelter, if only we will let it perform its birthright. In a previous article, we investigated the strange fact that the human body is in many ways pre-designed, or as it were, pre-loaded with a receptiveness to cannabis’ active compounds — cannabinoids — thanks to its well documented endocannabinoid system.

The notion that marijuana has no ‘medicinal benefits’ is preposterous, actually. Since time immemorial it has been used as a panacea (‘cure-all’). In fact, as far back as 2727 B.C., cannabis was recorded in the Chinese pharmacopoeia as an effective medicine, and evidence for its use as a food, textile and presumably as a healing agent stretch back even further, to 12 BC.

But the medical-industrial complex in the U.S. does not want you to use these freely growing compounds. They threaten its very business model and existence. Which is why it synergizes so naturally with the burgeoning privatized prison sector, which now has the dubious title of having the highest incarceration rate in the world. The statistics don’t lie:

“far surpassing any other nation. For every 100,000 Americans, 743 citizens sit behind bars. Presently, the prison population in America consists of more than six million people, a number exceeding the amount of prisoners held in the gulags of the former Soviet Union at any point in its history.”

Read more at Why Cannnabis Is the Future of Medicine | GreenMedInfo | Blog Entry.

Help for electromagnetic sensitivity

Posted: July 19th, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: ElectroMagnetic Sensitivity, Water | No Comments »

Electro Sensitivity Cure
shared by Rob

To Whom it may concern

I have recently suffered from electromagnetic sensitivity but have also found the cure.

The problem is an imbalance/deficiency in the body’s electrolytes.

An electrolyte is the medical/scientific term for salts, specifically ions. Ions are atoms molecules in which the total number of electrons are not equal to the total number of protons, giving the atom a net positive or negative electrical charge.

Your body fluids, blood, plasma, interstitial fluid (fluid between cells) and the fluid within every cell, contains different types of electolytes.Our bodies electrolytes are as follows:

Our bodies electrolytes are as follows:

sodium (Na+)
potassium (K+)
chloride (Cl-)
calcium (Ca2+)
magnesium (Mg2+)
bicarbonate (HCO3-) (This made within the body itself)
phosphate (PO42-)
sulfate (SO42-)

Electrolytes are important because they are what our cells (especially nerve, heart, muscle) use to maintain voltages across their cell membranes and to carry electrical impulses (nerve impulses, muscle contractions) across themselves and to other cells.

The electrical magnetic charge from iPad and iPhone etc will find the line of least resistance within our bodies, the nervous system, and a build up of electrical charge in the nerves and brain tissues can cause pain.

Also, our kidneys work to keep the electrolyte concentrations in our blood constant despite changes in our body. For example, when we exercise heavily, we lose electrolytes in our sweat, particularly sodium and potassium. These electrolytes must be replaced to keep the electrolyte concentrations of our body fluids constant. So, many sports drinks have sodium chloride or potassium chloride added to them. They also have sugar and flavourings to provide your body with extra energy and to make the drink taste better.

You are what you eat so eat what you are. Below are the top 16 elements by % that make up our bodies.

Element %
Oxygen 65
Carbon 18
Hydrogen 10
Nitrogen 3
Calcium 1.4
Phosphorus 1.1
Potassium 0.25
Sulphur 0.25
Sodium 0.15
Chlorine 0.15
Magnesium 0.05
Iron* 0.006
Fluorine 0.0037
Zinc 0.0032
Silicon 0.002
Rubidium 0.00046

After Water, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, the next top seven elements are all electrolytes. Here are their % by volume:

Element %
Calcium 40
Phosphorus 33
Potassium 8
Sulphur 8
Sodium 5
Chlorine 5
Magnesium 2

I have been taking the above elements since I took the salt, which literally dissolved the pains away within hours, (just like a dose of salts). I then bought different electrolyte products; here are the ones I think have been most helpful.

Maldon salt, most supermarkets. Contains Sodium and chlorine. (dissolve in water)
Lo Salt – from any shop. Contains potassium and sodium. (dissolve in water)
Epsom salts – Boots. Contains magnesium and sulphur. (dissolve in water)
Phosphorous tablets – On line from Welwda.
Calcium tablets – Holland and Barrett.
MicroMins – On line from NutriPLUS. Contains Magnesium, Chloride, Sulphate, Potassium and Sodium.
ZERO Highs sports drink – Holland and barrett. Contains Magnesium, Chloride, Sulphate, Potassium and Sodium.

I always take them with plenty of water after lunch or dinner. I’m still avoiding use of iPad or iPhone, but am able to use them without much of a problem, but am still occasionally noticing some effects from them, but nowhere near as much as before.


Why has there been no “cure” for cancer?

Thirty years ago, I knew an oncologist (cancer doctor) who was researching cancer cures.  We were walking on the beach on the first warm day in spring – hundreds of others were also doing the same – and I asked him to tell me about his project.  What he told me reminded me of books I’d read: “Laetrile, Nature’s Answer to Cancer” and “World without Cancer”. Laetrile is also known as Vitamin B17 (bee.seventeen).

That’s wonderful!” I said, “you are going to find it!”

“How do you know?” he asked.

“Because that’s Laetrile,” I responded.

He stopped dead and stood like a stone statue while people walked by us.  He stared silently into space.  He seemed to be in a trance.  I could not get his attention. Finally, he spoke in a very quiet voice.  “They’ll destroy me…” he said.

I asked “Who? Who will destroy you?”  It took him several minutes to answer.

“The AMA… The AMA will destroy me,” … and he repeated that several times. For those who do not know, the AMA is the American Medical Association. The AMA is the “labor union” that rules doctors and medical practices in the USA. It guarantees doctors the highest of wages – as long as they follow strict orders. Apparently, finding a cure for cancer is forbidden – especially when it involves confirming German doctors’ findings.

To top it off, on the walk back to my apartment, Mr.Doctor told me that he had been on the committee at the National Institutes of Health, responsible for testing Laetrile.  The test?  Only this:

The head of the committee had walked in the door all those years ago, while the doctor-scientists on the task force sat around a big table. He licked his finger and put it into a small bowl of Laetrile powder in the middle of the table, tasted it and spat it out.

“That’s CYANIDE!” he yelled.


That was it! No research. No tests were performed. No clinical trials. Laetrile was simply outlawed.  No questions allowed.

My friend knew the vicious politics of medicine and science.  His own research stopped dead in its tracks.  He changed specialties.  Ironically, my friend had been unknowingly reinventing the wheel. When he found out, he was concerned for himself and his career – not for the millions of people who died of cancer each year.

If he had felt safe to announce his findings to the world, there would no longer be a cancer epidemic. If the pharmaceutical and medical industries sincerely valued life over profits and wanted to prevent and cure cancer, they could.  My mother would still be alive.

Did anyone you know die of cancer in those intervening approximately 40 years?

The pharmaceutical industry would like you to avoid seeds, nuts and beans, dark green leafy greens, etc, because if you don’t get a little bit of “nature’s answer to cancer”, you will be a great source of revenue for them.

The cancer epidemic still rages in the US because we eat sweet, salty, sour, but avoid the bitter flavor.  And when we do eat something bitter – chocolate or coffee, for instance – we smother its goodness with sugar and dairy – the two foods consumed most highly in countries that are highest in breast cancer.

I learned from those two books to eat my apple seeds, lemon seeds, grapefruit seeds.  And it appears that once I’ve had enough, I simply no longer eat them.  Haven’t overdosed yet. The body is wise..

Read those books.

When you eat an apple, eat the seeds. It might be the seeds in the apple that keep the doctor away.

Danish newspaper article on circumcision

This is deeply personal and important to me, as I am myself a victim of this vile practice – due to my misfortune of being born in the United States.  Although my young mother was not keen on the idea, a doctor insisted on doing it, and she relented.

What were this man’s motivations?  Why was it so important to him what my penis looked like?  Why did he think that the most intimate part of my body, my ‘private parts’, my penis, was his prerogative?  I’ll never know what he wanted from me.  But what ever it was, he took it.  He had his way with me.  He carved his pay-check into my penis.  He carved his religion into my penis.  He carved his tribal marking into my penis.  He carved his custom into my penis.  He carved his grotesque aesthetic preferences into my penis.  He carved his obscene signature into my penis.

Read more at Why Denmark must carry the courage of its convictions on circumcision – News – The Copenhagen Post.

Foods Are Drugs

“Let food be your medicine.”
Hippocrates, Father of Modern Medicine

What is a chemical? And what is a chemical imbalance?

A chemical is a substance used in or produced by a chemical process. Life processes require chemicals. Pharmaceutical drugs are chemicals – yet so are foods.

When seeds sprout and plants grow, they begin pulling, dancing, tearing apart, and rearranging ingredients from the air, sunshine and earth. They are tiny, living, chemical factories. The resulting products of plant factories are a vast array of chemicals. People used to eat foods that were locally grown, without pesticides or poisonous fertilizers, and in season.

Our bodies are also chemical factories. They take food, water, sunshine and other substances and work hard to make healthy bodies and minds. To make healthy bodies and minds, they need to have the right ingredients – ingredients that nature generously and wisely provides.

But what happens when the foods we eat have been highly processed and/or genetically altered? What happens when we eat foods in combinations that are not well balanced? What happens when we eat foods that were grown far away, picked when they were not yet ripe, foods that were preserved with poisons and radiation?

How far from natural can we go before we get sick? Can we learn to feed ourselves in ways that will eliminate the need for illness, dis-ease and pharmaceutical drugs? Yes!

Once we know the key, we can choose our mode and our moods by consciously choosing foods that support the quality of life we desire. We can use foods to help us wake up in the morning. We can use foods to help us sleep soundly at night. We can use foods to help us become more mentally sharp, more emotionally aware, more socially assertive, and more able to perform physical tasks.

There’s a lot of talk about chemical imbalances in the medical community, but doctors do not ask many questions of patients, such as, “What did you eat for breakfast this morning?” “What are your favorite things to eat for a snack?” “Tell me what you usually have for dinner.” “What are your primary activities?”

When it comes to real healing, it’s pretty much a do-it-yourself job. You learn to ask yourself those important questions. You learn to wisely choose what you feed yourself and your family. Here are a few understandings to help you begin to manage your health and happiness.

The following information is compliments of Robert Gray, author of “The Colon Health Handbook”, which he asked me to not publish it until he had published it. He unfortunately died in a hit and run accident many years ago, so it is in his honor and with great respect for him and his work that I share this information with you now.

Air foods for mental alertness at work and school

Foods that grow in trees support mental activity. They help us wake up and get going in the morning. They are sweet, wet, cool and wash the waste out of our bodies. Eating fruits from trees first thing in the morning is like taking a shower on the inside. They make you feel clean and fresh and ready to greet the day.

Air foods are “uppers”. Too little of the air foods and you are mentally dull, bored and boring. Too much makes you feel weak, giddy, silly, goofy, “fruity,” “nutty,” “spacey,” forgetful.

Fire foods for social activities, competitiveness

Foods that grow on vines and stalks, foods you can reach straight out and pick, standing up, are foods that support social exchange. They are good for sales meetings, parties. Notice that most fire foods can be made into alcoholic beverages. Examples are: barley, wheat, grapes. Most of the world’s population makes rice the mainstay of their daily diet and they stay quite healthy.

Fire foods infuse you with enthusiasm. Too little of the fire foods and you may feel shy and retiring. Too many and you are overly aggressive.

Water foods feed the emotions

Emotions need to flow, like water. To have a relaxing day, you might go out on a lake and float on a raft or go to the ocean and watch the waves come in and go out. If you want to feel calm and peaceful, plan to eat water foods daily. If you are going to be working with a therapist in a healing session, you might want to eat lots of water food – like watermelon – the day before.

Water foods are foods that grow in the water and close to the ground, such as winter squash, melons, strawberries, pineapple, sea veggies, and dark green leafy vegetables. Most animals make greens a large part of their diets. To be healthy in body and mind, humans would do well to eat lots of greens too.

“But where do we get our protein?” I hear you ask. “Where do cows get their protein?” I respond. Chlorophyll is the key to radiant health.

The chemical structure of a molecule of chlorophyll is nearly identical to the chemical structure of a molecule of hemoglobin. In hemoglobin, the central atom is iron; in chlorophyll, the central atom is magnesium.

Water foods soothe; they help you sleep well. A nice large salad at dinner time will make you sleep like a baby. Too many water foods and you may feel overwhelmed on the feeling level.

Earth foods support physical movement at home and work, sleep

When you need to do something physical and practical like wash the car, vacuum the floor, or just move your body from one place to another, try a dose of earth food, a nice big glass of carrot juice or a hit of ginger in your smoothie, garlic in your salad. Root vegetables bring you back to a grounded, practical place. A baked potato in the evening will help you sleep.

Too few earth foods and you just plain don’t get things done. Too many earth foods and you feel like the proverbial couch potato. Examples of earth foods are – naturally – potatoes, carrots, beets, garlic, ginger, onions, peanuts.

Essential minerals for good mental & physical health

This is how upside down our food and drug industries have become… If someone is diagnosed with bi-polar disorder, they are also prescribed lithium, a naturally occurring mineral found in seawater. Plain, simple, dehydrated sea salt contains lithium. Bi-polar disorder is actually a lithium deficiency, similar to scurvy being a Vitamin C deficiency and pellagra being a B Vitamin deficiency. If we had been raised with naturally dried sea salt on our tables, rather than white sparkly free-flowing table salt, we would all have plenty of lithium in our bodies and no one would need lithium supplements in pharmaceutical drugs.

It is unknown how many other diseases might also be simple mineral deficiencies caused by the depleted, processed salt that pours easily from most salt shakers. The salt Americans typically use — sodium chloride with a little iodine added — is a byproduct of the mining industry, not a complete food. Where do the minerals go that were mined out of our salt? Ironically, they are sold to pharmaceutical companies which then make drugs with dangerous side effects.

Be safe — use only unrefined, naturally dried, sea salt. It’s moist, sticky, and a bit yellow or grey; not dry and sparkling white. You can get it in bulk at most health food stores. It costs more and it is worth it. Baths with unrefined sea salt allow your body to absorb salt at its own comfortable pace. You can put a few trace mineral drops in your drinking water for a smooth, refreshing drink, blessed with nature’s electrolytes.

Last but not least…

Eat as much of your food as possible raw, organic, locally grown and in season. Avoid white flour, white sugar, white salt. Packaged foods, manufactured in American factories can be hazardous to your health.

Which do Doctors Fear Most? Cancer, a Cancer Cure, or the AMA?

I once knew a doctor who was an oncologist (cancer specialist), a professor and a researcher. We were walking on the beach in San Francisco and I asked him to tell me about his cancer research.

“Wonderful!” I said, “You will find it!”

How did I know that, he asked me.

“Because it’s laetrile,” I said.

He stopped in midstride and stared into the sky. He was speechless for several minutes.  Then, his eyes still wide, he said slowly, ‘They’ll destroy me!’

I asked him several times “Who? Who will destroy you?’

And when he finally answered, he said, “The AMA… The American Medical Association will destroy me.”

This man also tested garlic at my request and found it too kills cancer cells. But soon after our talk, he changed fields and went into a whole new line of medicine, became quite successful in that field. His name was still on the list of scientists at the A brilliant man who recognized the politics involved.

Full disclosure: I have a dog in this fight.

My mother had one round of chemo, then a second round “just in case”. The second round weakened her heart to the point of death (a small-print but not insignificant side effect). I wished my friend had gone through with his research.

As a grand finale to our talk, my friend explained that he had been on the committee at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) that had outlawed laetrile. He said the head of the committee came into the room where everyone was seated around a table, put his finger in the dish of laetrile in the center of the table, lifted it to his mouth, tasted it and spit it out.

“Cyanide!” he said. And that was it. No discussion, no testing. Just unanimous consensus due to his little bit of drama. Nature makes cyanide, indeed. It is in all seeds and nuts and greens and everything that is bitter.

Nature’s cyanide doesn’t poison, but keeps cell division in check. Tests for cancer and for pregnancy both test for that same substance. The Doctors Krebs explained that our bodies need the bitter flavor and yet most americans avoid bitters. Is cancer a “bitter flavor deficiency” disease?

A popular product in Europe is “Swedish Bitters”. What I have noticed is that all cancer “cures” are based on a bitter herb. Since I read Laetrile: Nature’s Answer to Cancer, I have eaten lots of apple seeds & lemon seeds. I eat lots of salads with greens & herbs from my garden. And I always put garlic in the salad dressing.

Bodies are simple machines. Cars need certain kinds of gasoline and oils and other fluids. Bodies work very well on simple ingredients. They are detrimentally challenged by modern “foods” and drugs.

Risks, Benefits, Complications and Harms: Neglected Factors in the Current Debate on Non-Therapeutic Circumcision

Excerpt from an article by Robert Darby, published by Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal Vol. 25, No. 1, 1–34 © 2015 by The Johns Hopkins University Press. Emphasis added by this website.

It is a sign of the increasingly controversial status of routine circumcision that the American Academy of Pediatrics policy released in August 2012 attracted strong dissent, not merely from long-standing critics of circumcision, but from previously uncommitted child health experts in Europe as well. The scale of the dissent is all the more striking given that the policy differs little from the quietly received 1989 statement (which found that circumcision had potential benefits, but not enough to justify it as a routine) or even the 1999 statement, which reached a neutral stance and left it up to the parents. The only major difference in the new policy is that while it continues not to recommend circumcision, it states that the benefits outweigh the risks and are great enough to authorize parental decision-making and payments by health insurance providers. Although this is largely a continuation of the status quo, it is precisely on these points that objections have fallen most heavily.

According to the critics, the AAP policy is flawed because it does not establish that the benefits of circumcision outweigh the risk and does not justify its secondary (but unrelated) contention that the decision about whether a boy should be circumcised should be made by his parents. While the brief (widely quoted) statement asserts that “the health benefits of newborn male circumcision outweigh the risks” the lengthy (but less readily available) report acknowledges that

The true incidence of complications after newborn circumcision is unknown, in part due to differing definitions of “complication” and differing standards for determining the timing of when a complication has occurred (ie, early or late). Adding to the confusion is the comingling of “early” complications, such as bleeding or infection, with “late” complications such as adhesions and meatal stenosis.

In its reply to their critics, the AAP admitted that it had not surveyed the literature of complications case reports, but added that the benefits of circumcision “were felt to outweigh the risks of the procedure” (AAP Task Force on Circumcision 2013).

“…had not surveyed the literature… benefits… were felt to outweigh the risks…? Surely real scientists would actually study the subject before expressing their feelings! Oh, ethics! Oh, evidence-based medicine, wherefore art thou? How revealing and how embarrassing for them that they did not bother to study the complications case reports. “Don’t confuse us with the facts,” head-buried-in-sand ostrich behavior here – and so, children continue to be tortured and traumatized by people masquerading as “healing professionals”.

Read the full article and save it to your computer if you wish: Risks, Benefits, Complications and Harms: Neglected Factors in the Current Debate on Non- Therapeutic Circumcision

How to Make Authentic Milk Kefir

Milk Kefir (pronounced keh-FEER) is a wonderfully delicious slightly carbonated fermented milk beverage similar to yogurt (or buttermilk). Kefir is simply milk that is fermented at room temperature with kefir grains for about 24 hours. It has many wonderful health benefits, a great flavor and is also usually tolerated well by the lactose intolerant. It’s much easier to make than yogurt – no heating or incubating involved, and kefir has a much larger spectrum of probiotics than yogurt. The reusable, sustainable grains also make it more economical.

Kefir has gained in popularity lately, due to interest in eating more responsibly and locally, as well as more economically, combined with a greater awareness of the health benefits of probiotics from cultures and whole foods.

But with that popularity has come a load of misinformation and deceiving products on the web. Authentic kefir can only be made by real kefir grains, not from any kind of packet or powder (or from incubating store-bought kefir). Kefir available at the stores are simply imitations. This is due to regulations on consistent products with known ingredients, bottling procedures and packaging and shipping standards. As with most nutritious foods, real kefir can only be made and experienced at home.

Milk Kefir originated roughly 2,000 years ago in the Caucasian Mountains between Europe and Russia, which makes kefir one of the oldest milk ferments in existence. If you have more questions you can check out Yemoos Nourishing Cultures to see photos, FAQ’s, health benefits and other information on milk kefir.

Now, lets get started!

via How to Make Authentic Milk Kefir.

Research: Pineapple Enzyme Kills Cancer without Killing You

Could an extract of pineapple fruit be both safer and more effective than a blockbuster chemotherapy agent?


Every once in a while a study pops up on the National Library of Medicines bibliographic citation database known as MEDLINE that not only confirms the therapeutic relevance of natural substances in cancer treatment, but blows the conventional approach out of the water. Published in 2007 in the journal Planta Medica, researchers found that an enzyme extracted from pineapple stems known as bromelain was superior to the chemo-agent 5-fluorauracil in treating cancer in the animal model. The researchers stated:”This antitumoral effect [bromelain] was superior to that of 5-FU [5-fluorouracil], whose survival index was approximately 263%, relative to the untreated control.”

Read more at Research: Pineapple Enzyme Kills Cancer Without Killing You and read my comments below…

Patricia’s helpful hints:

Pineapple is a VERY powerful food. it contains many enzymes that aid digestion of every type of food… and apparently cancer cells too! Pineapples are worth their weight in gold. I used to buy them by the case.

Let your pineapple ripen to the point that you can smell its sweet aroma on the bottom end and can easily pluck out leaves from the top. I was fortunate enough to have known an Indian man who showed me how to peel and cut a pineapple. He peeled it and lost very little of the pulp or juice.

It’s best not mix pineapple with meals. Eat/drink pineapple for breakfast and wait 3 hours before you eat anything else… or eat it all day long (you will love the way you look and feel after a 3-day pineapple feast)… but do not mix it with meals or eat it soon after you have eaten a meal. The cleansing action will give you a tummy ache if your stomach is full.

Kiwi and strawberries have similar enzymes and activities in the body. Fresh, raw, organic fruits are dynamite in the health department.

I like to cut a pineapple in half lengthwise and cut out a bite at a time. I eat even the core. It requires a fork and knife – and then a spoon to scoop out the rest.

DO NOT EAT the prickley little “stingers” that extend through the skin; they are intended to keep bugs out and they are very irritating to the mouth. But if you find little black seeds inside, enjoy them as you would any seed. Pineapple seeds are very strong medicine.

Blend the pulp to drink it – but don’t include the skin. Coconut milk is one of the few things you can combine with pineapple. Fresh pineapple juice plus sweet young Thai coconut meat and milk make a heavenly drink. A virgin pinacolada – VERY nurturing, nutritious and healing.

Some say that even canned pineapple is helpful. Once I was shopping in a small Texas college town and the only pineapple available was in a can. I intended to buy a can of pineapple in its own juices but when I got it home, opened it and dipped my fork in, my body rejected it, Each time i tried to eat a bite of it, I gagged. I became curious and looked at the label – I had accidentally picked up a can that was packed in sugar syrup. Bodies are so smart. My body knew it wanted pineapple, but not processed sugar. It’s not nice to try to fool Mother Nature.

Pineapple juice not from concentrate is good… but avoid the reconstituted juice. Fresh, raw, ripe and organic is always best. Pineapple makes a great breakfast!

Once you’ve eaten a pineapple, you can plant the top in soil and it will grow a new plant. I’ve never tried planting the seeds, but if you have, or if you do, please let me know how it works out!