This is deeply personal and important to me, as I am myself a victim of this vile practice – due to my misfortune of being born in the United States. Although my young mother was not keen on the idea, a doctor insisted on doing it, and she relented.
What were this man’s motivations? Why was it so important to him what my penis looked like? Why did he think that the most intimate part of my body, my ‘private parts’, my penis, was his prerogative? I’ll never know what he wanted from me. But what ever it was, he took it. He had his way with me. He carved his pay-check into my penis. He carved his religion into my penis. He carved his tribal marking into my penis. He carved his custom into my penis. He carved his grotesque aesthetic preferences into my penis. He carved his obscene signature into my penis.
Read more at Why Denmark must carry the courage of its convictions on circumcision – News – The Copenhagen Post.