Category Archives: Hypnotherapy

You are only as sick as your secrets

Sometimes secrets are intentionally kept. On birthdays we don’t want our friends to know what we are giving them because we want them to be happily surprised.

Sometimes wonderful, velvet memories are kept secret because they are intensely private and personal. We do not care to share what they are because they might be misunderstood and not cherished by others as we cherish them ourselves.

But then there are the prickly or even stabbing secrets that hurt us then and continue to hurt us now. Those secrets are best aired and released. We fear that to tell them would only burden others, so we keep them to ourselves.

Truman Capote, author of In Cold Blood said that he used to write and write to get all the horrible secrets from his childhood out of his memory and onto the paper. Many people write, sing, make videos, journal and blog to get their stories out of their minds.

Sometimes secrets are so secret that they are secret even from ourselves. We have buried them deep in our minds because we don’t want to ever think again of the terror, horror, grief, pain, shame, guilt, humiliation. Many of the deepest secrets we have kept hidden from ourselves originated long ago — in childhood and even before.

Unfortunately, secrets unavailable to the conscious mind do not just go away of their own accord. They are still securely stored in the human subconscious, the hard drive, better known as the body. Unreleased tension can be stored in every muscle and cell of our body.

For the sake of our health and happiness, we need to locate and release those tensions. It is not difficult to do and it need not be painful. In fact, releasing old traumatic memories it is usually experienced as pleasant, freeing and empowering.

Here, we focus on simple, safe ways to release forgotten trauma and unpleasant emotions. We are available to coach you to free yourself from the chains of the past. Once you know how, you can release fear as it arises. To gain that degree of control over fear is the most exciting adventure on planet earth.

Everyone is welcome!

Who is Auntie Patricia? Patricia Robinett?

Observation constitutes the foundation
of every science.
Charles Sanders Pierce

Auntie Patricia is a detective, a scientist, a lady who wears many hats. She has delved deeply into several areas of life because something in her loves to solve mysteries … Who are we?… What are we? … What makes us tick? …  Why are we the way we are? … Why are things the way they are? … What is the point of life? … Is there a purpose?

Well, since Auntie Patricia is writing this, she might as well write in the first person…

In my work as a clinical hypnotherapist, I do not hypnotize people, since most or all of us are already living in a deep trance of fear and forgetfulness; rather, I de-hypnotize people. I wake them up from their walking trances. And in the same way, I de-hypnotize myself daily, moment by moment as circumstances arise that distract me from my peace of mind.

In regression therapy, I’ve facilitated many past life memories, which miraculously facilitate the gentle release of ancient fear, hatred, anger, grief, boredom and trauma, always in the interest of reclaiming the peace and joy that are our natural inheritance.

All healing is essentially the release from fear.
To heal is to make happy.
A Course In Miracles

A Course In Miracles is one of my favorite books because it talks extensively about healing and leads us to Knowledge, which is a direct experience of who and what you truly are. Are you a vulnerable physical body, personality and history? Or are you indestructible pure energy, spirit, life? Belief is not enough. We must know, because that is where uncertainty ends. In the ACIM Teacher’s Manual it says:

A universal theology is impossible, but a universal experience is not only possible but necessary. It is this experience toward which the course is directed. Here alone consistency becomes possible because here alone uncertainty ends.

That beautiful universal experience is called Knowledge. My book Knowledge, The Essence of World Scriptures is a collection of quotes from around the world and through the ages that motivated me to seek until I received Knowledge. This book is also an inspiration to anyone else wanting the same. And after they receive Knowledge, the quotes in this book will inspire them to savor it.

ACIM and Knowledge helped me stay peaceful when I discovered that I’d been circumcised as a little girl. I wrote about that journey of discovery in my book The Rape of Innocence, Female Genital Mutilation and Circumcision in the USA. I am deeply grateful to the course for its information on healing and to Knowledge for its comfort.

Auntie Patricia is also a healing coach. Oops!… back to first person…

I coach friends and clients to release trauma and find peace of mind, to lose excess weight and to let go of substances they are allergic or addicted to. My work is to make it easier for people like you to move away from self-destructive thoughts and behaviors, toward happier, healthier ways of being.

I feel grateful when I can help even one person. If I can be of service, please let me know. Your happiness blesses me too. Read here on this blog, join the Community forum if you like, and if you’d like to make an appointment, you can write to me from the Contact page.

For healing: hypnosis or de-hypnosis?

“All healing is essentially the release from fear.”

Hypnosis can be a powerful tool for good — or for ill. Hypnotic suggestions program your mind, which is essentially the hard drive of your body computer. We have all been programmed to believe what we believe, to see ourselves and the world as we do.

Some love the color red; others hate it. Some love dogs; others fear them. When we came from the womb, we were simply open and receptive; fear has hypnotized us all and imprinted us all with different programs.

Fear is an especially effective means of hypnosis. A trained hypnotist might suddenly push you off balance or clap loudly next to your head… for he has learned that fear puts the subject into a trance of shock. Once in trance, suggestions can be made that will go deep into the mind.

Someone may be an excellent hypnotist and have the best of intentions, yet not know what you personally need. Only you know. Only that part of you that is below the conscious mind knows what you have been through and what you need to hear to heal the past.

This is why I recommend de-hypnosis. We need to be de-hypnotized from all the trauma we have known — from our creation until the present. Once all the trauma is gone, we are naturally restored to our innate peace of mind, joy and unconditional love.

When you are very relaxed, your own inner wisdom can show or tell you what you need to know to heal your life.  It works every time. It is very efficient. It never harms.

Hypnosis or de-hypnosis?

All healing is essentially the release from fear.

Hypnosis can be a powerful tool for good — or for ill. Hypnotic suggestions program your mind, which is essentially the hard drive of your body computer. We have all been programmed to believe what we believe, to see ourselves and the world as we do.

Some love the color red; others hate it. Some love dogs; others fear them. When we came from the womb, we were simply open and receptive; life’s adventures and misadventures have hypnotized and imprinted us all with a wide, wild array of preferences and repulsions.

Fear is an especially effective means of hypnosis. A trained hypnotist might suddenly push you off balance or clap loudly next to your head… for he has learned that fear puts the subject into a trance of shock. Once in trance, suggestions can be made that will go deep into the mind.

Someone may be an excellent hypnotist and have the best of intentions, yet not know what you personally need. Only you know. Only that part of you that is below the conscious mind knows what you have been through and what you need to heal your unique set of past fears and traumas.

This is why I recommend de-hypnosis. We need to be de-hypnotized, freed from all the trauma, pain and suffering we have known — from our origin, our creation, until the present. We need to file the past in the draw labeled “Past” and realize that the past is gone, along with all its fears and tears. Once we let go of the past, we are restored to our original state: peace of mind, joy and unconditional love.

When you are very relaxed, your own inner wisdom can show or tell you what you need to know to heal your life. It works every time. It is very efficient. It never harms. Find someone you can trust to help you find your way back to your peace of mind. It’s all about undoing the past, relaxing, releasing fear, letting go, choosing peace. You deserve it.


“All healing is essentially the release from fear.” — A Course In Miracles

My expertise is in the un-doing of trauma, the release from fear, de-hypnosis. The mundane mind is inclined to think of us as limited, finite creatures made of vulnerable bodies, personalities and histories. Our divine nature is usually not reinforced by our families, schools, or even spiritual communities.

When we are faced with fearful situations, we store that fear until we release it. Animals give themselves time to rest and recoup after frightening experiences — humans just keep going and doing and rarely truly let go of trauma. When accumulated, trauma turns into grievous ailments and unfortunate recurring thoughts, dreams, attitudes and behavior patterns.

If the idea of having expert help releasing fear, stress, tension, trauma appeals to you, please contact me.

I am a clinical hypnotherapist (CHT) and crisis counselor, specializing in transpersonal hypnotherapy and the healing of trauma.