Category Archives: ChitChat

Edward Snowden astrological chart

Click on chart below to go directly to a larger size chart. Edward Snowden

Edward Joseph Snowden . June 21, 1983 . 4:42 AM . Elizabeth City, NC

MC trine Mars-NN-Sun trine Pluto-Saturn, opp Neptune – An undercover kind of soldier.

Jupiter conj Uranus, opp Mercury – Communicates explosive information

In 2013, he had a Saturn return… maturation, honesty, reality check time.

On or after July 4, 2013, he’ll have a Mars return. Will be interesting to see what happens then.

Jupiter is on his Sun right now – June 25, 2013… He is in the spotlight.

Transiting Neptune = Mercury/Jupiter-Uranus = Sun/Moon – Some wonder if it is possible he might be a spy/ counter spy/ double- triple-agent, agent provocateur, and so on.  Time will surely tell.  I prefer to think he is  a good citizen who got fed up with the corruption he was privy to.

This story blew open around his birthday when transiting Jupiter was conjunct his natal Mars-NorthNode.  He just couldn’t hold it in any longer!

She’s in love with a book

Nothing Real can be threatened,
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of God.

I am in love with a book. A romance addict for so many years, I have now finally settled down with a book –  A Course In Miracles. This book strokes my mind and my heart. It reminds me who I am and why I am here. It nurtures me. It keeps me honest. It holds my attention. It inspires me to move in the direction I want to go.

The first section of A Course In Miracles (ACIM) consists of a series of beautiful essays that revolve around the importance of distinguishing between what is temporary and what is permanent: between what is Real and unreal, what is Love and fear, what is Spirit and ego, what is Heaven and hell, what is Knowledge and perception, Divine and mundane.

Learning to discern the difference between Real and unreal helps us put the external world into proper perspective. It allows us to spend more time in our natural state of peace, love, and joy, feeling the love in our hearts.

The second part of the course is a workbook with 365 lessons. In 2009, I made a series of videos to help us all (myself included!) study the lessons. The videos are stored on YouTube and can be viewed here at ACIM Essentials. The lessons are posted nightly for the next day, in this order:  January 1 = Lesson 1, January 2 = Lesson 2, etc. You can sign up for daily reminders in two different ways at the Subscribe tab, above. If you are studying on a different schedule, please let me know when you sign up and I can make sure you get the correct lesson tomorrow.

A Course In Miracles is one of the most profound books I’ve ever read on the subject of healing and how to live a truly spiritual life on planet earth. Yet all that is accomplished without having to go to school, change your name, wear different clothing, join a “club”, speak a foreign language or change your religion. The course is down to earth, practical, and a literary work of art. It’s a “keeper”.

It has been my privilege and honor to have facilitated A Course In Miracles study groups for over twenty years, both in person and on the web. I now look forward to studying the lessons with you.

Some consider A Course In Miracles to be the “graduate level” to the Twelve-Step Program. ACIM makes immediate sense to those who are acquainted with the 12 steps.

If you would like to study ACIM together online or would like to engage in coaching or counseling based on the healing principles of A Course In Miracles, please go to the Contact tab, above. Let’s get together very soon.

I now recommend A Course in Miracles – Original Edition (the book with pearls on the cover at your right) as a first choice for purchase, or as a valuable addition to your current ACIM library. Original Edition is nearer the original dictation than any other version. It contains a lot of material that was omitted from what is considered to be the official edited version. Its language is easier to read.

I hope you will enjoy and benefit from A Course in Miracles as much as I do!

She's in love with a book

Nothing Real can be threatened,
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of God.

I am in love with a book. A romance addict for so many years, I have now finally settled down with a book –  A Course In Miracles. This book strokes my mind and my heart. It reminds me who I am and why I am here. It nurtures me. It keeps me honest. It holds my attention. It inspires me to move in the direction I want to go.

The first section of A Course In Miracles (ACIM) consists of a series of beautiful essays that revolve around the importance of distinguishing between what is temporary and what is permanent: between what is Real and unreal, what is Love and fear, what is Spirit and ego, what is Heaven and hell, what is Knowledge and perception, Divine and mundane.

Learning to discern the difference between Real and unreal helps us put the external world into proper perspective. It allows us to spend more time in our natural state of peace, love, and joy, feeling the love in our hearts.

The second part of the course is a workbook with 365 lessons. In 2009, I made a series of videos to help us all (myself included!) study the lessons. The videos are stored on YouTube and can be viewed here at ACIM Essentials. The lessons are posted nightly for the next day, in this order:  January 1 = Lesson 1, January 2 = Lesson 2, etc. You can sign up for daily reminders in two different ways at the Subscribe tab, above. If you are studying on a different schedule, please let me know when you sign up and I can make sure you get the correct lesson tomorrow.

A Course In Miracles is one of the most profound books I’ve ever read on the subject of healing and how to live a truly spiritual life on planet earth. Yet all that is accomplished without having to go to school, change your name, wear different clothing, join a “club”, speak a foreign language or change your religion. The course is down to earth, practical, and a literary work of art. It’s a “keeper”.

It has been my privilege and honor to have facilitated A Course In Miracles study groups for over twenty years, both in person and on the web. I now look forward to studying the lessons with you.

Some consider A Course In Miracles to be the “graduate level” to the Twelve-Step Program. ACIM makes immediate sense to those who are acquainted with the 12 steps.

If you would like to study ACIM together online or would like to engage in coaching or counseling based on the healing principles of A Course In Miracles, please go to the Contact tab, above. Let’s get together very soon.

I now recommend A Course in Miracles – Original Edition (the book with pearls on the cover at your right) as a first choice for purchase, or as a valuable addition to your current ACIM library. Original Edition is nearer the original dictation than any other version. It contains a lot of material that was omitted from what is considered to be the official edited version. Its language is easier to read.

I hope you will enjoy and benefit from A Course in Miracles as much as I do!

“Backwards” abundance manifestation

Mark Silver sent this lovely little free pdf out yesterday and I was entranced.  Backwards: Why Common Abundance Manifestation Approaches Are Sabotaging Your Success. It’s  brilliant.

Your heart experiences abundance and ease
when your work benefits others,
does not incur any sin or karma,
and is honest.

Backwards by Mark SilverAbundance, he says, is on the level of soul, and “money” and “stuff” are on the physical world level. The good news is that you can feel abundance regardless of your physical circumstances.

And there is a beautiful process to build a healthier relationship with the physical world  by developing our reliance on divine qualities. It has helped me breathe easier already.

Thank you, Mark!

"Backwards" abundance manifestation

Mark Silver sent this lovely little free pdf out yesterday and I was entranced.  Backwards: Why Common Abundance Manifestation Approaches Are Sabotaging Your Success. It’s  brilliant.

Your heart experiences abundance and ease
when your work benefits others,
does not incur any sin or karma,
and is honest.

Backwards by Mark SilverAbundance, he says, is on the level of soul, and “money” and “stuff” are on the physical world level. The good news is that you can feel abundance regardless of your physical circumstances.

And there is a beautiful process to build a healthier relationship with the physical world  by developing our reliance on divine qualities. It has helped me breathe easier already.

Thank you, Mark!

Going at it backwards

David Morelli of put up some videos for the free intuition class he is offering in May and his talks gave me some insight into the ‘backwards’ method of developing a service/ business. I can hardly wait to listen to his upcoming talks. His new website for the intuition classes is at

David’s talk reminded me of my own backwards intuitive “non-planning”, which occurred after Christmas 2008 and before Jan 1 2009, when I suddenly decided to make videos of the 365 A Course In Miracles workbook lessons for the dear members of my ACIM email list, to enhance their study… now they would have not only the words from the lessons but they would also have a video!

Hahahaha…. The only catch was — I had never made a video before. This gave me three days to learn how.

So I studied up real quick, thanks to a little help from the expert teachers at! What a wonderful service that is! Here’s a free 24 hour trial subscription to

Then I bought a domain name and signed up for the ACIM Essentials channel at YouTube at 5:30 pm on December 30. The next day, I managed to upload video 1 of Lesson 1 before midnight and announced it to my ACIM mailing list.

After practicing this art form for a year, by the end of 2009, I had uploaded more than 380 videos to the ACIMessentials channel at YouTube. Now that was a miracle! I still shake my head when I think of it… I can’t believe it happened. Each video was made and uploaded on time. T’was grace that got me through that year.

In November 2009, I also managed to finalize the book Knowledge: The Essence of World Scriptures. It’s available at and at Createspace.

Now that I am making this blog/website, I can finally admit to myself that, despite my rather intensive “humility training”, I am a valuable resource.

Now I just need a miracle to get this big wheel moving — and given all the grace that has moved me so far, I can’t imagine it won’t come.  When something as simple and basic as the wheel can be seen differently (go here to watch a video of an amazing new wheel invention by Honda), I suspect I’ll soon get a whisper of an idea that will revolutionize healing,

In fact, today I was at Borders Bookstore, perusing a book by Peggy McColl called Viral Explosions, to learn how to market my book (more backwards engineering!) and the man sitting next to me was reading a big pile of books that revolved around the subject of how to find God.

As I left, I boldly mentioned to him that he might like to read my book, Knowledge, The Essence of World Scriptures. Due to my own experience with the subject, it was my absolute pleasure to assure him that yes indeed, whoever seeks, finds.

I think we each felt the universe had answered our prayers.

“Life Was Never Meant to Be a Struggle”

Welcome to our new home!

Today is the launch of the new blog/website. On this “Home” page, we can carry on a conversation about this and that. Please subscribe to the RSS feed (at the top of the right-hand column) or in the address box on your browser. That way you’ll know when new articles are posted and you can come and chat. This blog area will cover everything that the website pages cover and more.

Isn’t it pretty the way the pages are arranged at the top of the page!?  Very modern. Uptown. WordPress. Slick.

Please let me know if you spot any errors or omissions or would just like more information on any subject.

Life Was Never Meant to Be a Struggle

As I was moving my office from downstairs to upstairs last week, I found some long lost books. A tiny little volume, Life Was Never Meant to Be a Struggle By Stuart Wilde is on my desk now. It’s exactly what I needed to read. I needed to be reminded to take life one breath at a time.

Have you read it yet? Mine is a bare bones printing from 1987. It measures a mere 3.5″x5″ and contains only 49 pages. Of course the new Hay House version is artistic and gorgeous and 64 pages.  PDG*

*Pretty darned good!