Our place in nature

This is one of my favorite books. From 1980, but as relevant now as it was then.

sunlight book cover

“The doctor of the future will interest his patients
in the care of the human frame,
in diet, & in the cause & prevention of disease.
Thomas A. Edison

Author’s Preface to the book Sunlight

At one time or another on the road of life, all of us have arrived at a crossroads in our thinking. Practicing medicine has brought me there, perhaps an illness will place you there too.

As I have seen the options, we may, on the one hand, choose to respect and appreciate nature. We may see within her a wisdom and intelligence that far surpasses man’s greatest technological achievements. We may come to realize that man’s best interest is served through obedience and conformity to nature and that sound health is the result of this obedience.

On the other hand, we may choose to believe that we can improve upon nature, that we can manipulate her to our own benefit. We may believe that we are responsible for nothing but our own pleasure, that we may freely violate and disregard natural law and then artificially manipulate the deleterious consequences. We may believe we can eat poorly, sleep rarely, work constantly, exercise sparingly and avoid any physical consequence by the use of some wonder drug or miraculous surgery. It is evident that this is the road most of us choose, for during the 1900’s the volume of drug business in the United States has increased by a factor of 100. It is estimated that 20,000 tons of aspirin are consumed per year, or 225 tablets per person. Not only is the drug industry booming, but also, as everyone already knows, there has been a tremendous increase in health care costs. To live indiscriminately and pay the price later is easier – for the moment. Maybe that’s really why we choose it. It requires no discipline and no sacrifice. It conforms to our cultural pleasures.

ln my medical practice, I see many whom no drug or surgery will restore to health. The hoped-for escape becomes only a means to muffle the most noxious complaints or a method to prolong a dying existence. For all advances in science, we still remain humbly, pitifully dependent upon the forces of nature: air, water, food, and sunlight. It seems in fact, the more advanced our technology becomes, the more capable we are of destroying ourselves – not only by a nuclear holocaust, but also by more insidious inroads into our health such as the tremendous change that has taken place in the area of food technology. Death has always been easily within man’s grasp, while life and health remain the property of nature and her forces. Out of this conviction, this book has been written. I believe there is ample evidence in the scientific literature that sunlight, free of technological distortions, is not only beneficial, but necessary for human health.

Zane R. Kime, MD, MS

You can read reviews of this book at Amazon.com. If you’d like to download the entire book as a pdf, note that it is a very large file – 36 megabytes. Download here: Sunlight by Zane Kime MD

Sunlight Holds Key to Killing Breast Cancer

You have been told that sunlight causes cancer. Now they say that the Vitamin D from sunlight is vital to life and that it is the free radicals from sun lotions and sunscreen that cause cancer. I say, sunshine in moderation – which means enjoy the sun but be careful not to burn. I use nature’s offering to skin health: aloe vera – with no additives.

Woman in a spa salon

A new study finds vitamin D — the ‘sunlight vitamin’ — strikes to the very heart of breast cancer malignancy.

Breast cancer is not what most people think. Beneath the intimidating statistics that make it seem like a juggernaut of inevitability or a time bomb of genetic determinism ready to go off in the asymptomatic breasts of millions of women, a far more complex conversation is occurring among clinicians and researchers concerning the true nature and causes of cancer, and why conventional therapies fail to turn the tide against the second highest cause of death in the Western world.  To fully appreciate this, one must go to the first hand research itself.

For instance, a new study published in The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology identifies [1] an overlooked root cause of breast cancer (cancer stem cells), as well as a natural intervention that has yet to be incorporated into the conventional standard of cancer care.

Titled, “Vitamin D compounds reduce mammosphere formation and decrease expression of putative stem cell markers in breast cancer,” the new study brings to the forefront the role of breast cancer stem cells (BSCs) in breast tumor formation and their progression towards malignancy and treatment resistance. For many decades it was assumed that cancer results from DNA-damaged cells succumbing to fundamentally chaotic processes, ‘going rogue’ and reproducing clonally (making identical copies of one another), without an acknowledgment of the different types of cells that comprise tumors. The most salient difference is between the cancer stem cells (sometimes referred to as ‘mother’ cells) which are capable of theoretically infinite self-renewal and produce all the differentiated ‘daughter’ cells in a tumor colony, which themselves are not capable of living indefinitely. It is actually the existence of the much smaller number of cancer stem cells which causes cancer recurrence, as they are not only resistant to conventional chemotherapy and radiation, but their numbers can actually be increased (enriched) by these two ‘therapies.’ Therefore, any cancer therapy that ignores the cancer stem cell subpopulation in favor of killing the non-tumorigenic daughter cells in order to ‘debulk’ the tumor (i.e. shrink it), will not result in destroying the root of the cancer. To the contrary, it can generate the illusion of ‘remission’ while in fact making the remaining tumor colony far more malignant, setting up the conditions for aggressive recurrence years later…

Read more of this excellent article by Sayer Ji at Sunlight Holds Key To Killing Breast Cancer | Wake Up World.

Evidence that the Human Body is a Projection of Consciousness

battiti d'amore

Deepak Chopra told a fascinating story in his book, How to Know God. A friend of his had injured his foot while working out in a gym. The pain in his foot increased over the next few days, and he found it increasingly difficult to walk. Upon medical examination it was found that he had a common ailment known as planar fasciitis – the connective tissue between the heel and the front of the foot had been stretched or torn. His friend decided not to have surgery and instead to tough it out, but in time he found it so painful and difficult to walk that in desperation he sought out a Chinese healer. This Chinese man seemed to be quite ordinary. He gave no indication of being mystical or spiritual, or in any way gifted in healing. But what happened next turns medical science on its head. Chopra’s friend explained:

“After gently feeling my foot, he stood up and made a few signs in the air behind my spine. He never actually touched me, and when I asked what he was doing, he simply said he was turning some switches in my energy field. He did this for a minute or so and then asked me to stand up. I did, and there was no sensation of pain, not the slightest. You have to remember that I had limped in, barely able to walk…

“In complete amazement I asked him what he had done. He told me that the body was an image projected by the mind, and in a state of health the mind keeps this image intact and balanced. However, injury and pain can cause us to withdraw our attention from the affected spot. In that case, the body image starts to deteriorate; its energy patterns become impaired, unhealthy. So the healer restores the correct pattern – this is done instantly, on the spot – after which the patient’s own mind takes responsibility for maintaining it that way.” (pp 221-222)

See more at: Evidence That the Human Body is a Projection of Consciousness | Humans Are Free.

Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs

The world’s leading Scientists, Physicians, Attorneys, Politicians and Environmental Activists expose the corruption and dangers surrounding the widespread use of Genetically Modified Organisms in the new feature length documentary, “Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs”.

See full movie at ▶ Seeds of Death: Unveiling The Lies of GMO’s – Full Movie – YouTube.

How to Make Authentic Milk Kefir

Milk Kefir (pronounced keh-FEER) is a wonderfully delicious slightly carbonated fermented milk beverage similar to yogurt (or buttermilk). Kefir is simply milk that is fermented at room temperature with kefir grains for about 24 hours. It has many wonderful health benefits, a great flavor and is also usually tolerated well by the lactose intolerant. It’s much easier to make than yogurt – no heating or incubating involved, and kefir has a much larger spectrum of probiotics than yogurt. The reusable, sustainable grains also make it more economical.

Kefir has gained in popularity lately, due to interest in eating more responsibly and locally, as well as more economically, combined with a greater awareness of the health benefits of probiotics from cultures and whole foods.

But with that popularity has come a load of misinformation and deceiving products on the web. Authentic kefir can only be made by real kefir grains, not from any kind of packet or powder (or from incubating store-bought kefir). Kefir available at the stores are simply imitations. This is due to regulations on consistent products with known ingredients, bottling procedures and packaging and shipping standards. As with most nutritious foods, real kefir can only be made and experienced at home.

Milk Kefir originated roughly 2,000 years ago in the Caucasian Mountains between Europe and Russia, which makes kefir one of the oldest milk ferments in existence. If you have more questions you can check out Yemoos Nourishing Cultures to see photos, FAQ’s, health benefits and other information on milk kefir.

Now, lets get started!

via How to Make Authentic Milk Kefir.

Yemoos Nourishing Cultures | Milk Kefir or Water Kefir

Milk kefir seeds

When you’ve used antibiotics or if your diet has included a lot of wheat, meat and sugar, you may need to restore the friendly bacteria in your intestines. Kefir is a powerhouse cultured probiotic drink you can make at home. It’s fun!

You can make milk kefir with milk kefir “grains” or water kefir with water kefir “grains”. Yogurt pales by comparison. People who love kefir, love it. Those who don’t, probably haven’t had really good kefir. Animals love it. There is also wonderful information on the Yemoos site about water kefir, kombucha and ginger beer.

This is their introduction to milk kefir:

  • What is milk kefir?
  • What other names does kefir go by?
  • How are kefir grains different to powder starter (such as Body Ecology’s products) or store-bought kefir?
  • What’s the difference between dried and fresh/live kefir grains?
  • What is the advantage of taking kefir instead of a probiotic supplement?
  • Why is kefir generally tolerated by the lactose intolerant?
  • Is Kefir a good option for those with Candida?
  • What strains of bacteria and yeast are found in kefir grains (and kefir itself)?
  • Can you make your own kefir grains or get kefir from just milk?
  • What milks or other liquids can you ferment with kefir grains?
  • What about raw milk?
  • Does Kefir contain alcohol?
  • What does milk kefir taste like?
  • What should kefir grains look like?
  • Are all kefir grains the same?
  • How long do active kefir grains last?
  • Do kefir grains need to be fed every day?
  • What other uses does milk kefir have?

Read more about these questions and much more at  Yemoos Nourishing Cultures | Milk Kefir FAQ.

Research: Pineapple Enzyme Kills Cancer without Killing You

Could an extract of pineapple fruit be both safer and more effective than a blockbuster chemotherapy agent?


Every once in a while a study pops up on the National Library of Medicines bibliographic citation database known as MEDLINE that not only confirms the therapeutic relevance of natural substances in cancer treatment, but blows the conventional approach out of the water. Published in 2007 in the journal Planta Medica, researchers found that an enzyme extracted from pineapple stems known as bromelain was superior to the chemo-agent 5-fluorauracil in treating cancer in the animal model. The researchers stated:”This antitumoral effect [bromelain] was superior to that of 5-FU [5-fluorouracil], whose survival index was approximately 263%, relative to the untreated control.”

Read more at Research: Pineapple Enzyme Kills Cancer Without Killing You and read my comments below…

Patricia’s helpful hints:

Pineapple is a VERY powerful food. it contains many enzymes that aid digestion of every type of food… and apparently cancer cells too! Pineapples are worth their weight in gold. I used to buy them by the case.

Let your pineapple ripen to the point that you can smell its sweet aroma on the bottom end and can easily pluck out leaves from the top. I was fortunate enough to have known an Indian man who showed me how to peel and cut a pineapple. He peeled it and lost very little of the pulp or juice.

It’s best not mix pineapple with meals. Eat/drink pineapple for breakfast and wait 3 hours before you eat anything else… or eat it all day long (you will love the way you look and feel after a 3-day pineapple feast)… but do not mix it with meals or eat it soon after you have eaten a meal. The cleansing action will give you a tummy ache if your stomach is full.

Kiwi and strawberries have similar enzymes and activities in the body. Fresh, raw, organic fruits are dynamite in the health department.

I like to cut a pineapple in half lengthwise and cut out a bite at a time. I eat even the core. It requires a fork and knife – and then a spoon to scoop out the rest.

DO NOT EAT the prickley little “stingers” that extend through the skin; they are intended to keep bugs out and they are very irritating to the mouth. But if you find little black seeds inside, enjoy them as you would any seed. Pineapple seeds are very strong medicine.

Blend the pulp to drink it – but don’t include the skin. Coconut milk is one of the few things you can combine with pineapple. Fresh pineapple juice plus sweet young Thai coconut meat and milk make a heavenly drink. A virgin pinacolada – VERY nurturing, nutritious and healing.

Some say that even canned pineapple is helpful. Once I was shopping in a small Texas college town and the only pineapple available was in a can. I intended to buy a can of pineapple in its own juices but when I got it home, opened it and dipped my fork in, my body rejected it, Each time i tried to eat a bite of it, I gagged. I became curious and looked at the label – I had accidentally picked up a can that was packed in sugar syrup. Bodies are so smart. My body knew it wanted pineapple, but not processed sugar. It’s not nice to try to fool Mother Nature.

Pineapple juice not from concentrate is good… but avoid the reconstituted juice. Fresh, raw, ripe and organic is always best. Pineapple makes a great breakfast!

Once you’ve eaten a pineapple, you can plant the top in soil and it will grow a new plant. I’ve never tried planting the seeds, but if you have, or if you do, please let me know how it works out!

Grapefruit juice protects against weight gain & diabetes

A new study conducted by researchers at UC Berkeley suggests that grapefruit juice could replace metformin, a drug used to treat Type 2 diabetes; the fruit may also be helpful in preventing weight gain as well as decreasing blood glucose levels.

Published October 8 in the peer-reviewed journal PLOS ONE, scientists studied the relationship between grapefruit consumption and weight gain in mice. The test subjects that were fed a high-fat diet gained 18 percent less weight when they drank “clarified, pulp-free” grapefruit juice compared with the control group that only consumed water, UC Berkeley News Center reports.

Even more interesting, the mice that drank grapefruit juice had “improved levels of glucose, insulin and a type of fat called triacylglycerol compared with their water-drinking counterparts.”

Weight loss has been associated with grapefruit consumption since the 1930s and was considered a trendy Hollywood diet; however, the supporting research was “not well-controlled” and “contradictory,” scientists say.

“There are many active compounds in grapefruit juice, and we don’t always understand how all those compounds work” – Andreas Stahl

Researchers admit that the latest study was funded by the California Grapefruit Growers Cooperative but insist that the association had no influence whatsoever over the findings. Both of the study’s lead scientists say they entered into the research with skepticism…

Read more at Grapefruit juice protects against weight gain and diabetes – NaturalNews.com.

Kucinich Called Out Monsanto in 2012

Published on Sep 19, 2012

“In 1992 the Food and Drug Administration decided that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are the functional equivalent of conventional foods. They arrived at this decision without testing GMOs for allergenicity, toxicity, anti-biotic resistance and functional characteristics. As a result hundreds of millions of acres of GMO crops were planted in America without the knowledge or consent of the American people: no safety testing and no long term health studies.

“The FDA has received over a million comments from citizens demanding labeling of GMOs. Ninety percent of Americans agree. So, why no labeling? I’ll give you one reason: The influence and the corruption of the political process by Monsanto. Monsanto has been a prime mover in GMO technology, a multi-million dollar GMO lobby here and a major political contributor.

“There is a chance that Monsanto’s grip will be broken in California where a GMO labeling initiative is on the ballot. And here in Congress, my legislation HR 3553 will provide for a national labeling law. Americans have a right to know if their food is genetically engineered. It’s time for labeling and for people to know how their food is being produced.”

What about supplements?

I try to get all my nutrients from food, but because modern agriculture (even organic agriculture) is not the same as nature’s handiwork, I do use a few supplements:

  • Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin)
  • Vitamin D3
  • Spirulina
  • Chlorella

Many things I use for seasonings, might be considered healthy additions to any diet. Everything I eat is organic because the negligible difference in cost makes all the difference in how I feel.

  • unrefined sea salt – Celtic
  • olive oil (extra virgin, organic)
  • coconut oil (raw, organic)
  • tamari (wheat-free)
  • miso (fermented rice/barley/soybeans – organic, non-GMO)
  • nutritional  yeast
  • fresh garlic
  • fresh ginger
  • cayenne
  • turmeric

Please share below what you add to your foods to stay healthy…