You, my friend, are your own best healer because you live in your body and know what foods you eat, what movements you make, what thoughts, feelings and attitudes you usually indulge in.
Start now, if you haven’t already begun – learn everything you can about health and healing. We can coach you, if you wish. Taking care of your body is not only fun and empowering — it will also save your life and life savings.
To keep your body and mind in a healthy chemical balance, do not study medical books, but nutritional healing books… books on natural foods, vitamins, minerals (throw out your free-flowing sodium chloride and use only full-spectrum salt), cleansing, food combining, the acid-alkalinity balance, and herbs.
Study exercise systems like yoga and Feldenkrais — movement systems that help keep your spine aligned. Study books about acupressure points that stimulate the lymph and nervous systems. Go to YouTube and find videos about EFT — emotional freedom technique — to keep your mind and emotions flowing in a healthy way.
Learn all you can about birth. There’s no need to think of a natural bodily process as a medical emergency. Animals don’t go to hospitals to have babies — and they seem to do quite well without intrusive tests, labor induction and surgery. Wild animal babies are not subjected to premature cord clamping and cutting, circumcision and manufactured baby formulas. Animals in the wild eat simple, natural, raw foods and not usually more than they need to stay alive. Only in captivity do animals eat cooked foods — and get human diseases.
Do research on the Internet concerning your specific complaints and what natural remedies — foods, herbs, exercises, sunshine, etc — have been found helpful for your condition. Get a copy of Louise Hay’s You Can Heal Your Body and see what thought patterns correlate with your (and your family members’ & friends’) physical conditions and think back through the years… do her ideas ring true to you? Read the stories of people who have successfully overcome specific diseases… what did they do? Read about spontaneous remissions; sometimes there’s just a little nagging thought that needs to change and people get well when they change it.
Once you learn how to take care of your precious human body, you will no longer confuse the medical industry with health. Surgery and pharmaceutical drugs are helpful when you fall down and break your leg or are in an auto accident, but the fact is, medical schools teach only disease and pathology, not how to attain vibrant, radiant health.
You want health. You deserve to be healthy. You can be healthy. You can make a healthier body and keep your body healthy with simple methods. You only need tools, understanding.
We are happy to share a lifetime of learning with you. Contact us if you need a little help to practice letting go of fear and embracing the Love that you are. Miracles happen.
Only one thing can exist in one place at one time.
Let that one thing be the Love that you are.