“In the arena of knowing,
there’s no make-believe.
You experience.
It’s not a fantasyland…
You are here
to experience Heaven.”
A few quotes from Knowledge, The Essence of World Scriptures…
The coming of God’s Kingdom
is not a matter of external observation.
People won’t be able to say,
“Look, here it is!” or, “Look, there it is!” because
the Kingdom of God is within, inside of you.
Luke 17
If those who lead you say,
“Behold, the Kingdom is in heaven,”
then the birds of the heaven will be before you.
If they say unto you,
“It is in the sea,”
then the fish will be before you.
But the Kingdom is within you, and it is outside of you.
The Gospel of Thomas
Open the eye of Truth,
Discover the spiritual path.
Put your feet in the way of God
and seek his celestial court.
Once you have glimpsed that glory
you will no longer be attracted
to the tinsel and glitter of this world.
Farid ud-Din Attar
Where are you looking to find me?
I am closer than you imagine.
I am neither in temple nor in mosque,
neither in synagogue nor cathedral,
neither in rites nor rituals,
neither in yoga nor austerities.
If you are a true seeker,
you will see me immediately.
You will meet me in an instant.
Kabir says,
God is the Breath of all breath.
In the city of God is a secret dwelling place —
the lotus of the heart.
Within this dwelling is a space
and within that space
is the fulfillment of all desires.
The secret within that space
should be longed for,
actualized and realized.
As great as the infinite space beyond
is the infinite space within —
the lotus of the heart.
Heaven and earth are contained in that inner space —
fire and air,
sun and moon,
lightning and stars —
Everything is contained in that inner space.
Chandogya Upanishad