The medium is not the message. Human language is the medium, and the message is the presence of God — beyond ideas, beyond theories, beyond imagination, beyond human language.
If, as you read quotations from scriptures, you find that they remind you of something, somewhere, long ago, something you forgot but never really left, for it never left you.
When you read words that are both beautiful and true, you breathe easier, smile or even feel tears of joy, have a sense of fullness, peace, happiness, tingling bliss — then know it is the good feeling that is the real message. That is God within you. God is Love, God is Light, God is Spirit.
If you decide you want to pursue more of these pure, unconditional, divine, good feelings, then the scripture has accomplished its purpose. It has informed and inspired.
It is your birthright to know how to feel the divine experience all the saints have raved about, sung about, danced about. Your true nature is fully inspired and savors every breath, for each one is a gift of love from the source of all life to you.