All posts by Patricia

Renaissance Woman

"Life Was Never Meant to Be a Struggle"

Welcome to our new home!

Today is the launch of the new blog/website. On this “Home” page, we can carry on a conversation about this and that. Please subscribe to the RSS feed (at the top of the right-hand column) or in the address box on your browser. That way you’ll know when new articles are posted and you can come and chat. This blog area will cover everything that the website pages cover and more.

Isn’t it pretty the way the pages are arranged at the top of the page!?  Very modern. Uptown. WordPress. Slick.

Please let me know if you spot any errors or omissions or would just like more information on any subject.

Life Was Never Meant to Be a Struggle

As I was moving my office from downstairs to upstairs last week, I found some long lost books. A tiny little volume, Life Was Never Meant to Be a Struggle By Stuart Wilde is on my desk now. It’s exactly what I needed to read. I needed to be reminded to take life one breath at a time.

Have you read it yet? Mine is a bare bones printing from 1987. It measures a mere 3.5″x5″ and contains only 49 pages. Of course the new Hay House version is artistic and gorgeous and 64 pages.  PDG*

*Pretty darned good!

“Life Was Never Meant to Be a Struggle”

Welcome to our new home!

Today is the launch of the new blog/website. On this “Home” page, we can carry on a conversation about this and that. Please subscribe to the RSS feed (at the top of the right-hand column) or in the address box on your browser. That way you’ll know when new articles are posted and you can come and chat. This blog area will cover everything that the website pages cover and more.

Isn’t it pretty the way the pages are arranged at the top of the page!?  Very modern. Uptown. WordPress. Slick.

Please let me know if you spot any errors or omissions or would just like more information on any subject.

Life Was Never Meant to Be a Struggle

As I was moving my office from downstairs to upstairs last week, I found some long lost books. A tiny little volume, Life Was Never Meant to Be a Struggle By Stuart Wilde is on my desk now. It’s exactly what I needed to read. I needed to be reminded to take life one breath at a time.

Have you read it yet? Mine is a bare bones printing from 1987. It measures a mere 3.5″x5″ and contains only 49 pages. Of course the new Hay House version is artistic and gorgeous and 64 pages.  PDG*

*Pretty darned good!